ES Morning Report and Trade 7.18.24

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Not much of a pullback yet--- 5580 key to hold near term

No trade set up yet.  We are actually holding a basic uptrend line (see chart) and 5580 is another 80 points below the late Wednesday night 5660's print.  If that uptrend line holds, we…

3x ETF Morning Report 7.18.24

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Markets/Strategy:   Strong pullback Wednesday, small caps hold up well though

The chip stocks took a major hit with SOXL dropping 21% in one day from 65 to 51 area. In one of the areas I noted I was watching recently for a pullback, now we can see why it…

ES Morning Report and Trade 7.17.24

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5660 as ES pulls back hard this morning from 5721 highs

Trade Idea 7/16-  Same as Monday, lets be patient here.

We did not get past 5725, the high was 5721 which is the number I knew we had to cleanly get over to go long. …

3x ETF Morning Report 7.17.24

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Markets/Strategy:       Interesting action as the ES Futures contract hit 5721 and failed, that level is what I was watching to take out cleanly for another possible higher or extended run up in the large caps.  Today futures are down to 5656 which is a large drop off…

ES Morning Report and Trade 7.16.24

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As I noted last week, 6125 possible in the longer weekly views. Short term we are around 5690 climbing back up off the 5640 pullback last week

Trade Idea 7/16-  Same as Monday, lets be patient here.

ES still around 5690 as we consolidate.  There is…

3x ETF Morning Report 7.16.24

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Markets:       Market indices consolidating still. QQQ Holding 13 day EMA line (See Chart) which effects our TQQQ 3x Bull position.  IWM ETF has smashed higher to 217 but is extended by any means.  We have a wave 2 to wait on (Pullback wave) before we would look…

3x ETF Morning Report 7.15.24

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Markets:       Futures pushing higher on Monday to 5690 area, uptrend highs are around 5707 from last week.  IF we push over 5720 strongly we could start another run towards my LONGER TERM 6125 SP 500/ES potential.

QQQ hit  503 highs last week, pulled…

ES Morning Report and Trade 7.15.24

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As I noted last week, 6125 possible in the longer weekly views. Short term we are around 5690 climbing back up off the 5640 pullback last week

Trade Idea 7/15

I would advise going long OVER 5725 limit entry, stop 5700 Target as high as 5930…

ES Morning Report and Trade Update 7.12.24

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 5640 as of 830am EST on ES Futures. We are down about 60-70 points from the post CPI Report spike highs yesterday. Rotation into small caps from big caps yesterday, but longer term the SPX can still move another 10% higher I think, just not next…

3x ETF Morning Report 7.11.24

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Markets:      Inflation report came in very tame and futures are pushing higher. In the ES alerts service we closed a 130 point win going long SP 500.  The Human Behavioral patterns I developed with Elliott Wave and a few other ingredients over the…

ES Morning Report and Trade Update 7.11.24

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5660 sell target hit on Wednesday for 130 point win.  Currently ES Futures are around 5680

Tame inflation report which I projected way back early this year just came in and the market remains on track to hit my 5700-5800 SPX targets I put out on…

3x ETF Morning Report 7.10.24

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Markets:       Nothing has changed lol.  Working towards these targets of 5700-5800 on SP 500 and 510-515 on QQQ

 Action Items:  
  •   SELL TQQQ if $88 hits
  •   NUGT 39.75 stop on final 1/2 near close  
Watching:  IWM/TNA

TNA has lagged obviously…

3x ETF Morning Report 7.9.24

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Markets:       Continuing to work higher towards my 5700-5800 SP 500 targets laid out May 19th and 510-515 QQQ targets possible as well. No net real change on Monday trade.  Earnings should start coming out in full force soon, suspect market is strong for…

3x ETF Trade Alert

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Hit 62.38 this morning my target to sell at 62 everybody should be out with a nice profit if not take your profits here.

Avg entry was 53.50

15% profit at 62


3x ETF Trade Alert

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TQQQ $77.20 at time of alert

I think it can stretch to $88 for 14% potential

Lets start 10% position, risk to maybe $74 on pullback

Max price $79 for entry but scale in on dips to $75 if so
No Stop

3x ETF Morning Report 7.3.24

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Reminder this is my Vacation week I take every year to the Midwest 4th of July week to reunite with the extended family, so timing of reports may be off. Market closed Thursday and Friday likely light trading.

Markets:      ES/SP 500 pushing a…

3x ETF Morning Report 7.2.24

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Reminder this is my Vacation week I take every year to the Midwest 4th of July week to reunite with the extended family, so timing of reports may be off. Market closed Thursday and Friday likely light trading.

Markets:      Consolidation continues, but SP…

ES Morning Report 7.2.24

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5502 lows this morning with a bounce to 5535 area

Lower end support key at 5465 area plus minus 5 points but it we keep it simple which I try to do, this trendline chart shows up around 5500 as support for now

I can make…

ES Morning Report 7.1.24

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Last Friday 5580 was hit and the advisory was push stop to 5570 and ride, we then stopped out at 5570 for 50 points gain on the latest trade idea

I'm going to be traveling to the Midwest for the week for annual family reunion but…

ES Trade Update 6.28.24

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My report was a little late this morning and I actually didn't notice that we had popped up earlier in the morning before the report above 5580. Yesterday in the instructions I said if you get to 5580 to push your stop to 5570 and ride…

3x ETF Morning Report 6.28.24

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Markets:     SP 500 and QQQ hitting uptrend highs as projected, 5700-5800 remains SP 500 target

  Action Items:  
  •   n/a
Watching:  TQQQ

May have missed entry, will be watching though


SOXL 6/25 - 10% Position,  $58.08 up 8% today as…

3x ETF Morning Report 6.27.24

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Markets:     QQQ at 481, should push to 486.... 510-515 still my target. SOXL could push up here soon...

  Action Items:  
  •  SOXL Alerted at 53.50 area Tuesday to start 10% position, notes below
Watching:  TQQQ

3x Long QQQ I may send out trade…