About Us

Dave Banister is our Chief Strategist and Founder and will personally respond to your E-mail. He is also happy to set up a phone call if needed. Specializing in Elliott Wave based Market and Sector Forecasting and Trading. I also advise my subscribers daily on low risk high upside Stock and ETF Swing Trades with dramatic results since inception. I look for substantial market out-performance with less risk and volatility than the SP 500.

Email reversaltraders@gmail.com and Dave will respond quickly.

The Market Analysts Group, LLC was formed in 2009 to provide Market Forecasting and Swing Trading expertise via subscription services to members. We have a 70% plus success rate on all Swing Trades both Stock and 3x ETF since inception.  Track Records are available at srpmembers.com for Stocks and The3xETFtrader.com for 3x ETF. 

I run 4 subscription advisory services running the gamut from SP 500 Futures Trading, Stock Swing Trading and Forecasting, Long Term Investing, and 3x ETF Trading. You can read up on these services at TheMarketAnalysts.Com

“David, you are, without a doubt, one of the best if not the best Elliott Wave guys I am aware of” 8/30/17,  Peter Brandt, CEO, Factor LLC #10 2017 Twitter Favorite Traders Poll

“I recently joined this room and loving it by what I have seen so far. I realized playing 3x ETF solely on support and resistance does not give any edge. Really like the model of scaling into the positions”- @mmonis on Stocktwits.com 

“great call. I got in at the lower end of range so up 27% now. But I took a really small position due to all of the volatility then” – @lostitall on Stocktwits.com 

“Impressive calls Dave! It must get boring to be right all the time…….. Thank you. I really enjoy your calm and targeted approach to trading!” @amcs on Stocktwits.com 

Opt in free at stockreversals.com for weekly market forecast reports and more.

Our Chief Strategist has been a featured writer and guest on TheStreet.com regarding Gold forecasting with Alix Steele. Also on CBSMarketwatch.com with Thom Calandra in the early 2000’s covering small cap stocks. He also has contributed to Kitco.com, been quoted on Bloomberg, and is a Seeking Alpha certified contributor as well as an author of articles at multiple investor websites. Dave has over 65,000 active traders and investors following him on Stocktwits.com and subscribers in over 40 countries.