ES Alerts and Reports

ES Update and Trade Idea

5199 ES Futures June

Short at 5211, Stop at 5225
Target 5161 but will update

Could push a bit higher.  Caveat is FOMC rate decision and notes are due at 2pm EST tomorrow, always a VERY volatile time to trade that I prefer to avoid, but if we get short stop is tight

ES Update 3/19/24

Im a bit under the weather as I took very ill yesterday afternoon. I will try to do a further update after 1030am EST today

ES did not hit my 5250 area entry to short, but now standing around 5194, topping process appears to continue

I'll have update and trade parameters out after 1030 am EST

ES Update and Trade Alert

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1 HOUR ES Chart appears toppy to me unless can clear out 5270 area
Late last week I said if you wanted to try a 5183 market short with 5125 target and 5200 stop would be worth a shot. We dropped to 5168 then pushed to 5202, stopped out the trade, then pulled back.  This morning we…

ES Update and Trade Alert

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Well we missed the 5160 area short spot I wanted this week, good news is my spidey senses to short were correct, bad news is we missed the entry point but about 10-11 points before the market turned south.

I can see 5125 area likely if you want to short this current 5183 area with 5200 stop

ES Morning Update

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Nothing much has changed at all as of Thursday morning 915 am EST

5242 June Contract  (Quoting June Contract now going forward)

Possible rally to 5280 on the high end which is equivalent to my 5220 former March contract projection

That said, spidey senses here are that we are LATE in the rally and a short position…

ES Morning Update and Trade Alert

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5242 June Contract  (Quoting June Contract now going forward)

Possible rally to 5280 on the high end which is equivalent to my 5220 former March contract projection

That said, spidey senses here are that we are LATE in the rally and a short position is next on tap

Yesterday I said 5240 loosely to look at a…

ES Update 3/12/24

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5203 June Contract  (Quoting June Contract now going forward)

Possible rally to 5280 on the high end which is equivalent to my 5220 former March contract projection

That said, spidey senses here are that we are LATE in the rally and a short position is next on tap

5240 loosely I am looking for us to short…

ES Update 3/11/24

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ES stopped out

No position, watching action

Stopped out at 5110 about 34 point net loss on the avg of the two tranches we went long on.  Markets unfortunately reversed hard in the afternoon on Friday with NVDA smashing lower out of the blue as well.  About a 3.3% loss on the trade.Weekly chart 5157 on…

ES Alert Update

ES at 5155, Stop 5110, Sell at 5210... add at 5130-5135

Not much change net net from the alert yesterday, again I would go ahead and be long here and then add at 5130-5135 ranges... (Pushed it up 5 points)  Stop 5110 still.  A push to 5220 still possible not necessarily today. If you see 5210 sell.

Yesterdays Alert Repeated:
Long at market about 5155 IF AGGRESSIVE TRADER, otherwise wait and go…

ES Morning Update 3/7/24

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5090 big dive in the overnight lows but now bouncing way up to 5133, this is tough action to trade here, but tighter stops are going to be important.

My spidey senses are wondering if we double top around 5150-5160 soon, the 30 minute chart again is choppy and hard to put a pattern…

ES Morning Update 3/6/24

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ES hit a low around 5171 yesterday (March Contract) and now trading up to 5113 area which is normal resistance loosely from last weeks highs.

Uptrend is still intact as we can see from my 4 hour ES chart, with a possible 5220 target still alive.

If we take a long position again, I…

ES Morning Update 3/5/24

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  5117 ES down from 5158 highs

We sold out at 5138 and 5110 from 5077

5140 is a natural resistance zone, and possible top of 5th wave up... but not yet confirmed.

Trading in here is tricky, if we go long on a dip it will require a tight stop in the event 5th wave…

ES Update 3/4/24

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 5220 possible now but lets see if we get a pullback

Closed or you should close out our 5077 net entry trade at 5135-5140 area per the Friday text...

Will advise soon on next Trade... market is in bull mode until it's not but I like to take profits along the way and reset.  One of…

ES Trade Update 2/29/24

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 ES at 5097 up from 5063 lows this morning on a PCE inflation report the market likes.

We have an average of 5090/5065 entries on our latest trade for about 5077

Push your stop to 5063 from 5050

Sell 1/2 at 5110 if hit, hold 1/2 from there

ES Trade Update

Same as yesterday and day before

I noted this in the post:
Thoughts are go long near 5090, add near 5065.... stop at 5050 using micro-mini's

Because we are late in the cycle up its harder to trust the near term upside moves without a further correction

5063 lows so you would have bought 1 tranche at 5090 another at 5065... stop stop is still 5050

1 hour chart attached

ES Morning Update and Trade Advisory

5080 area

Yesterday I gave out some guidance in the morning on my thoughts which is part of this service outside of actual trade alerts.  We could push to 5200 possibly and 5140 has been my target for awhile, we hit 5123 so far for highs.

I noted this in the post:
Thoughts are go long near 5090, add near 5065.... stop at 5050 using micro-mini's

Because we are late in the…

ES Morning Update 2/26/24

No weekly report was published this weekend

ES hit at 5090 stop point overnight in trading from a 5110 entry last Friday if you took the tight trade idea from Friday morning report.  The stop was tight on purpose as a 5060 area print plus minus 5 is possible on a further pullback here.

Right now around 5098 on the March contract, we have a consolidation in the 4 hour chart and…

ES Morning Update 2/23/24/ Trade Idea

Getting close to my 5140 target I've talked about for weeks now

Trade Idea (Read notes below)

Long at market, Stop 5090, Target 5200 if 5110 taken out cleanly

The SP 500 has broken out of a 2 year cup base pattern with the right side breaking out big recently.

Short term extended but 5140 is a likely lock target wise if you want to chase the last 30-40 points here.


ES Morning Update 2/22/24

ES at 5061

Stunning turnaround of 100 points off the 24 hour lows on NVDA earnings. Obviously I cant predict market reaction to one companies report, but that is what happened.

I'd feel good around 5030 on a pullback getting long

30 minute chart

ES Morning Update

Futures off a bit further

We got stopped out again on a tight range trade yesterday at 4990 for a loss

4974 current futures as of 845 am EST

I think we will see 4930 area if 4970 doesn't hold here as a projection and guidance

Near term I dont feel comfortable with an actual trade alert just yet..

4 hour chart

ES Trade Alert and Update 2/20/24

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Markets consolidating gains

We protective stopped at 5030 on Friday for break even

5006 this morning in early pre-market trade, I want to see 4990 hold

If you want to take a shot, you can go long at market because the uptrend line is intact and I had discussed 5007 last week as possible on a pullback…

ES Morning Report 2/5/24

ES 4968 area

Didn't quite hit 4925 entry but we did rip about 45 points from 4930 at time of my alert last Friday.  I continue to be bullish to 5140

I would take a long position at market here and add at 4925 if hit

I will update stops and targets along the way as needed

ES Trading Morning Report 2/1/24

ES at 4890

Up from 4872 lows yesterday and off the near 4960 highs this week for the uptrend.

A 4 hour chart today shows uptrend intact and as I noted yesterday should we get a deeper February retracement 4770 is another spot to watch plus minus 10 points or so

For now no position but we may take a scalp long trade with a Tight Stop soon, so stay tuned if…

ES/SP500 Update 1/31/24

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ES at 4926 at 8am EST

We closed out a 50 point win, the high was another 25 points…

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ES Trade Alert 1/23/24

Trade Alert:  4884 area

Go long at market on 1 tranche, at another if we dip to 4870 and another at 4840

Intermediately I can make a case for 5140 as our next major resistance but a little pullback here first would be great... as always subject to revision but I do not change my forecasts often

See charts 4 hour and Daily from this morning (Shared from Stocktwits ES Room which…